

Do you have a testimony to share? We would love to hear!

Breast Care Centre Prophetic Art Work

-Tani Grobler

This commission is a celebratory artwork, showcasing God's healing power and how He brought together two people in the midst of great trials, birthing a love that will withstand any storm. We also see the power of collective prayer. This oil painting was commissioned by Oliva Hurst for her granddaughter Danielle's wedding; it features Brendan and Danielle on the day of their engagement. - Neil Breebaart

I have followed Art Refined from the beginning and from my heart decided that you were my perfect choice to fulfil this beautiful task of portraying - 'Prayers of healing accomplished' - To God be the glory, Great things He hath done! - Olivia Hurst (Matriarch of the family)

Danielle Steyn's testimony of healing - Cancer Survivor

The phone call of 23rd June 2023 that changed our world. Olivia and her older sister started a WhatsApp group to keep family and friends informed of Danielle's welfare. Rochelle, Danielle's friend, and Brendon, her boyfriend, lovingly helped with this task. Because of pain in her femur, lumber, spine and pelvis she had tests done. The diagnosis was 4th degree bone cancer, and the prognosis was not good. She would be up against a lot, and the next few weeks and months would not be easy. She needed all of our prayers and a choir of support from our collective voices.

She received 10 radiation treatments. The histology came back regarding the type of cancer the oncologist would be dealing with, It was metastatic adenocarcinoma, stage 4. The staging is based on the spread of the cancer and its presenting in new areas from its initial location. The original tumor was in the cervix. This report was expected but not hoped for. This form of aggressive cancer requires Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy. She received chemotherapy treatment sessions every 3 weeks and is currently still undergoing immunotherapy.

The request was sent out to keep praying, and as a support group we stood together and prayed like never before in our lives.

We then received great news; Danielle's histology showed that she was a match for the immunotherapy drug "Keytruda" which we were hoping for. It was administered alongside the Chemotherapy. In the middle of Danielle's radiation and chemo came a big surprise... Brendon proposed.

Danielle underwent many more tests searching for the source of the pain in various parts of her body. Between Brendon and Olivia, she was never left alone. Her hair fell out, and a wig was the answer. So many people contributed towards a very special wig. A pet scan then ended our agony, revealing in real time what the MRI could not - NO CANCER CELLS. - Olivia Hurst

We rejoice and praise God for answered prayer, especially in this case the prayers of a very special grandmother - We see this in Danielle's own words displayed on a card for every guest at her wedding to see - "We are all here because of the prayers of one spectacular grandmother. Thank you for being a one-of-a-kind matriarch!"

The wedding took place early April.

This commission is a celebratory artwork, showcasing God's healing power and how He brought together two people in the midst of great trials, birthing a love that will withstand any storm. We also see the power of collective prayer. This oil painting was commissioned by Oliva Hurst for her granddaughter Danielle's wedding; it features Brendan and Danielle on the day of their engagement. - Neil Breebaart

I have followed Art Refined from the beginning and from my heart decided that you were my perfect choice to fulfil this beautiful task of portraying - 'Prayers of healing accomplished' - To God be the glory, Great things He hath done! - Olivia Hurst (Matriarch of the family)

Danielle Steyn's testimony of healing - Cancer Survivor

The phone call of 23rd June 2023 that changed our world. Olivia and her older sister started a WhatsApp group to keep family and friends informed of Danielle's welfare. Rochelle, Danielle's friend, and Brendon, her boyfriend, lovingly helped with this task. Because of pain in her femur, lumber, spine and pelvis she had tests done. The diagnosis was 4th degree bone cancer, and the prognosis was not good. She would be up against a lot, and the next few weeks and months would not be easy. She needed all of our prayers and a choir of support from our collective voices.

She received 10 radiation treatments. The histology came back regarding the type of cancer the oncologist would be dealing with, It was metastatic adenocarcinoma, stage 4. The staging is based on the spread of the cancer and its presenting in new areas from its initial location. The original tumor was in the cervix. This report was expected but not hoped for. This form of aggressive cancer requires Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy. She received chemotherapy treatment sessions every 3 weeks and is currently still undergoing immunotherapy.

The request was sent out to keep praying, and as a support group we stood together and prayed like never before in our lives.

We then received great news; Danielle's histology showed that she was a match for the immunotherapy drug "Keytruda" which we were hoping for. It was administered alongside the Chemotherapy. In the middle of Danielle's radiation and chemo came a big surprise... Brendon proposed.

Danielle underwent many more tests searching for the source of the pain in various parts of her body. Between Brendon and Olivia, she was never left alone. Her hair fell out, and a wig was the answer. So many people contributed towards a very special wig. A pet scan then ended our agony, revealing in real time what the MRI could not - NO CANCER CELLS. - Olivia Hurst

We rejoice and praise God for answered prayer, especially in this case the prayers of a very special grandmother - We see this in Danielle's own words displayed on a card for every guest at her wedding to see - "We are all here because of the prayers of one spectacular grandmother. Thank you for being a one-of-a-kind matriarch!"

The wedding took place early April.

Good morning, Neil. Thank you for your kind message.

I follow you on Facebook because every single one of your artworks, every single message is a huge encouragement - always just the right word at just the right moment. I take away different perspectives on situations, and many times, I can encourage a relative or friend through your art and messages. The Spekboom art and message is one of my ultimate favorites.

I've been trusting God for years for salvation and deliverance for my youngest sister. One morning, I opened your Facebook page, and there was a trio of art pieces. I was so aware of God's presence at that moment. The one piece depicting almond blossoms spoke to me. The accompanying Scripture was Job 14:9 - a word I'm standing on for years regarding my sister. The painting reminded me that God is ever ready to perform His Word. I can not describe the surge of faith I received that morning; how encouraged I was.

Thank you for being God's mouthpiece with exquisite prophetic art and word. Thank you for representing God so accurately through your gift. You are such a gift to this world.

- Hanlie Fry

After only telephonically discussing an image I received from God, with Neil, he immediately told me what colours came to mind. It resonated with me and we agreed that he will do the painting for me.

The next communication I received was a photo of my painting! My immediate response was: this is perfect. It as if from heaven. No words can do justice to this. When one looks at it, you experience..............

as I said no words can do justice.

What a privilege to see what happens when God through Holy Spirit binds His body together in unity. Blessings forever more.

- Lorraine Sadler

Being an artist myself, Art Refined, has brought me boundless joy and encouragement. A picture truly does paint a thousand words. The art of Neil Breebaart speaks edification and exhortation to the heart of the Christian that is relevant today.

He always strives for fresh and new content, and his art does not disappoint.

I have found great comfort and personal encouragement in his art, the most recent one being a painting titled New Wine. It is a painting of a wine glass lying on its side with scriptures in the spilled wine. It reminded me that so very often we come to a place where we feel our efforts or lives have been wasted, but then we see God's reflection staring back at us through His word in Isaiah 55:11 so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to Me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.

It made me realize that this is the latter wine; to live a surrendered life. The spilled wine speaks, and God's Word seeps into the crevices and dry cracks to heal, to nourish, and to accomplish that what it was sent for. And that is the purpose of art with a message, to speak forth the living and creative Word of Elohim.


- Petra du Toit

Artist and Admin of FB page Prophetic Art South Africa

Neil did a prophetic painting for me at a cancer wellness conference that I held recently for breast cancer patients. His presence in the area next to the speakers was perfect. The atmosphere that started to change as the speakers were talking, he painted on the canvas :the peace and presence of the Holy Spirit. It was just so special to me, because it also spoke of what I were experiencing in my heart during and even before the conference.

He made the conference something else, not just another gathering of speakers!

I have come to know him as someone that walks very closely to the Lord and you can see it coming out in his paintings.

- Dr. Trusia Burgers

We are the stewards of Cleaning Warehouse and on Assension Day we had a big celebration. The business was closed for the day as a way of honoring God. We had the opportunity to share our vision for our business with our people. All this planning happened in a week when one of our managers woke up one morning with this excellent idea. In preparation for the day I got the idea to ask Neil Breebaart from Art Refined to draw something for us, that could bring our vision to life. For more than a year I have been receiving Neil’s prophetic sketches every day on WhatsApp and I was super excited to have one being done especially for us. Neil was up for the challenge. In the very limited time before our event Neil envisioned our vision and brought it to life on paper. The vision is Your Gateway to Clean Living. I asked him to incorporate the newly set our values for our company. These are: to honor God, to value people and to be good stewards. Neil came up with this amazing piece of art. My husband is the one cleaning in the painting. It portrays the servant heart of his leadership.

None of us are perfect but we believe that if we admit our mistakes and shortcomings we allow God’s light to shine through our cracks. The mandate for our company is found in the Message Translation of Romans 8:12-14. To bury this do-it-yourself kind of lifestyle in other words to burry pride.

Thank you Neil for being an instrument in the Hands of our Father. By using your gift in the kingdom you became a part of our story. We value the time that you took to receive this picture because you could never have done it without spending time on your knees. God bless you and your family as well as Art Refined. The best is yet to come!

- Gerda Vorster

Nobody really likes being in the wilderness, yet this is the place and season where we are refined and shaped even more into His likeness. Throughout my year and a half of being in a waiting season God continually spoke to me about John 15 and every time I seemed to lose hope or when I feel done waiting, he sends a book, a verse, a person, a sign…to remind me “Abide in Me”.

In a time where I was once again at the end of my rope, I woke up with the Holy Spirit prompting me to write a Bible study about “Abide in Me” (John 15). I immediately started designing it and left it at that. That evening we visited Neil and his family to say our goodbyes, as they were moving to pretoria. The whole time they were packing I asked God for one of Neils paintings, but we wanted it to be one that He wants us to buy. So that night as we arrived and looked at the art exhibited in their already packed up home, I couldn’t see any painting that is ours and even my husband looked and said “we love them all, but we know they are not ours”.

Then Neil said, wait I have one here at the back “I painted with purple, your favorite colour, but I don’t really paint with purple”. He turned it around and I started sobbing - it was the same grapes and leafs that I had used in my bible study design that morning, and through my tears I asked “what is the title” and he said “The true Vine”. My heart skipped a beat and I could feel the intense gratitude of God speaking to me through art (I am an art critic and loooove art, my husband and I are also artists), but moreover, how He had planted the message in Neils heart for that moment.

God knew the moment would come that He had to profoundly show up for me again, not because He has to, but because He wanted to!

I now look at this beautiful painting every day as a reminder to Abide in Him, and that He is faithful! Thank you Neil for being obedient! 🍇🍃

- Maryka Roux - Button Up

Sondag 28 Februarie 2016, agt dae na my 45ste verjaardag, wys die Heilige Gees vir Wayne hoe die engel lyk wat Hy aangestel het om hom te beskerm. Dit was 'n geruime tyd wat Wayne die Here gevra het om hom te verseker van Sy teenwoordigheid in sy lewe.

Regs van my het Wayne die skets geteken. Nadat hy klaar geteken het, het hy my liggies aan die arm gestamp en gewys.

Die detail daarvan was asembenemend.

Gedurende 2019 droom Calmarie van Wayne waar hy kaalvoet op 'n strand stap en die Here wys haar Wayne se beskerm engel wat agter hom aanloop met ses vlerke wat sy voetspore toevee wat goud agter die engel los.

Sy het in baie detail gedroom, tot wat Wayne aangehad het in die droom.

Neil Breebaart is die stigter van 'Art Refined ministry'. Hierdie kunstenaar skets elke dag 'n boodskap wat die Here hom gee. 'n Kunstenaar met sy oor teen die Here se lippe.

24 Januarie vanjaar (2022), 23 dae na Wayne se 53ste verjaardag, het Calmarie Neil genader om die droom as 'n Vadersdag geskenk vir Wayne te skilder.

Sy het vertel dat Wayne op 'n strand stap, dat sy beskerm engel hom volg en dat die goud van die engel se vlerke Wayne se spore toevee.

Sy kon nie die woorde kry om die engel presies te beskryf nie, want sy het nie 'n kopie van die skets of weet van die skets nie, haar beskrywings was lomp wat tot gevolg gehad het dat sy Neil gevra het om asseblief die Here te vra hoe die engel lyk, Hy sal hom wys. Alhoewel sy gesê het Wayne stap op die strand het sy nie die detail van die klere wat hy in die droom aangehad het gegee nie.

Neil het die Here gevra, soos hy elke dag Hom vra om hulp, Woord en 'n skets om mee te bedien met sy Godgegewe roeping as kunstenaar.

Vrydag 19 Augustus 2022, agt dae na Calmarie se 27ste verjaardag, het sy met groot afwagting die asembenemende geskenk vir Wayne gegee.

Ons was verstom!

Ja ek bedoel verstom!!



Tjoep tjoep stil.

Woorde het in ons kele gestol!!

Want die engel wat die Here vir Neil gewys het is presies Wayne se beskerm engel wat hy ses jaar terug in die kerk geteken het, in soveel detail antwoord die Here Neil dat hy tot weet wat se klere Wayne in die droom aangehad het.

- Nicolette Steel

Wayne se skets

Soos God dit aan Neil openbaar het

Wayne se skets

Soos God dit aan Neil openbaar het

Sondag 28 Februarie 2016, agt dae na my 45ste verjaardag, wys die Heilige Gees vir Wayne hoe die engel lyk wat Hy aangestel het om hom te beskerm. Dit was 'n geruime tyd wat Wayne die Here gevra het om hom te verseker van Sy teenwoordigheid in sy lewe.

Regs van my het Wayne die skets geteken. Nadat hy klaar geteken het, het hy my liggies aan die arm gestamp en gewys.

Die detail daarvan was asembenemend.

Gedurende 2019 droom Calmarie van Wayne waar hy kaalvoet op 'n strand stap en die Here wys haar Wayne se beskerm engel wat agter hom aanloop met ses vlerke wat sy voetspore toevee wat goud agter die engel los.

Sy het in baie detail gedroom, tot wat Wayne aangehad het in die droom.

Neil Breebaart is die stigter van 'Art Refined ministry'. Hierdie kunstenaar skets elke dag 'n boodskap wat die Here hom gee. 'n Kunstenaar met sy oor teen die Here se lippe.

24 Januarie vanjaar (2022), 23 dae na Wayne se 53ste verjaardag, het Calmarie Neil genader om die droom as 'n Vadersdag geskenk vir Wayne te skilder.

Sy het vertel dat Wayne op 'n strand stap, dat sy beskerm engel hom volg en dat die goud van die engel se vlerke Wayne se spore toevee.

Sy kon nie die woorde kry om die engel presies te beskryf nie, want sy het nie 'n kopie van die skets of weet van die skets nie, haar beskrywings was lomp wat tot gevolg gehad het dat sy Neil gevra het om asseblief die Here te vra hoe die engel lyk, Hy sal hom wys. Alhoewel sy gesê het Wayne stap op die strand het sy nie die detail van die klere wat hy in die droom aangehad het gegee nie.

Neil het die Here gevra, soos hy elke dag Hom vra om hulp, Woord en 'n skets om mee te bedien met sy Godgegewe roeping as kunstenaar.

Vrydag 19 Augustus 2022, agt dae na Calmarie se 27ste verjaardag, het sy met groot afwagting die asembenemende geskenk vir Wayne gegee.

Ons was verstom!

Ja ek bedoel verstom!!



Tjoep tjoep stil.

Woorde het in ons kele gestol!!

Want die engel wat die Here vir Neil gewys het is presies Wayne se beskerm engel wat hy ses jaar terug in die kerk geteken het, in soveel detail antwoord die Here Neil dat hy tot weet wat se klere Wayne in die droom aangehad het.

- Nicolette Steel

Hi, Neil. Art is a very powerful way of expression. I use it when doing profile sketches to capture the soul. I love the way you use your talents as an artist to capture daily events as they happen in the natural and bring it into context with the Word of God. It is very effective because we all experience similar cases in our daily walk. Your illustrations is accurate and to the point. God bless you and your ministry to the needy out there.

-Theo Erasmus

Hi Neil, Thank you for the love you have shared with all of us. God gave you this gift and you used it to remind us of his love for us. Your portraits have so much meaning and memories that I can relate to, they are uplifting, encouraging.. You have given me and many others hope. May God bless you and your family. Your work is beatiful, definetely from God. 

- Banele Mkhontosaints

Hi Neil,

I love and appreciate how you use your talent of art to speak God’s love and truth into our lives. Thank you for sharing your gift with us. It is extremely encouraging and powerful touching many lives. Your art is eye catching and draws the eye wanting to dig deeper into your posts. FB should be filled with posts such as yours!

- Marie van Ravesteyn

I shared a dream with Neil that I wanted as a painting. It was breathtakingly beautiful and so accurate to the dream I shared. You are truly blessed. Thank you

- Calmarie Leonard

A life changing experience to spend this day with Neil. I found it most motivating and a real eye-opener! Thank you for an awesome Spirit-filled wòrkshop!

- Lien La

Would ABSOLUTELY recommend the Prophetic Drawing course with Neil.

Neil has opened up a whole new way of communicating, adoring, hearing, and delighting in Jesus. During this session I learned that I can be comfortable with the way that I draw and create, and also how prophetic art can be used as a tool to bless and love those around me.

Neil is a wonderful teacher, incredibly patient and kind. It was an absolute privilege to be guided and taught by someone who knows the heart of God, and loves to equip others to express God's love and truth through the beauty of art.

Ten stars!!

- Tessa Crafford


Do you have a testimony to share? We would love to hear!

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